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讲座预告|【3月25日—26日】Hans-Peter Grosshans 系列讲座

点击次数:  更新时间:2025-03-21

3月25-26日(周二至周三),武汉大学欧美宗教文化研究所邀请德国明斯特大学Hans-Peter Grosshans(汉斯-彼得·格罗申斯)教授主讲讲座,主题分别为:《人类本性与文化多样性:文化多样性有一个共同的人类学基础吗?》《幸福、幸运与不幸:对生命偶然性的思考》《全球跨文化视野中的欧洲视角》,敬请关注。


Hans-Peter Grosshans 教授

Hans-Peter Grosshans(汉斯-彼得·格罗申斯),德国明斯特大学新教神学系教授,国际科学哲学院(AIPS)院士,《国际中西研究杂志》编辑顾问委员会成员,浙江大学哲学学院名誉教授。主要学术成果有《何为恶?》《为现代世界做准备》《种族多样性》《共同世界的诠释:从古代到现代》《作为生活方式的民主:论基督教与民主的关系》《大学理念与在认知和理解视角下对真理的共同探索》《解释学的主要问题:以保罗·利科为出发点》等。



主题:Human Nature and Cultural Diversity. Does Cultural Diversity has a Common Anthropological Basis?

摘要:In a world that is growing ever closer together, the question also arises as to whether the many different cultures in the common world have a common anthropological basis. What connects the cultures of the world with each other in the midst of all their diversity? Is there an anthropological theory of the pluralism of cultures? And what would such a theory have to look like in which the different cultures are conceptually linked? The lecture explores this question by first (1) concentrating on the diversity of religions, which are an important part of cultures. After this praise of cultural plurality, the lecture then shows (2) what a theory of cultural pluralism cannot look like. Again using the example of religion, it is then explained (3) how culture and cultural diversity are to be understood when they are considered from a human and thus anthropological point of view. A conception is then presented (4) by the German philosopher and theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher, showing how cultural diversity, the plurality of cultures, can be understood conceptually on the basis of common anthropological insights.


地点:武汉大学哲学学院 B214

主讲:Hans-Peter Grosshans汉斯-彼得·格罗申斯(教授)




主题:Happiness-Fortune-Misfortune. Reflections on the contingency of life

摘要:Often a good life is identified with a happy life. But this identification has to be questioned. What is actually happiness? It is already very unclear, what characterizes a happy life and what makes a life to be happy. One reason is, that if we relate happiness with luck, respective fortune, and its opposite misfortune, the happiness is not part of the very contingency of life. The lecture will present, first, some considerations on the issue of a good life, to which happiness may be related. Then, second, various understandings of happiness will be presented, especially one, which emphasises the relevance for luck respective fortune and misfortune for happiness. This, then, leads the reflection to some ontological implications of such a concept of happiness for which the contingency of life and of the world are of high relevance. In consequence, the awareness for chance and possibility gets a high relevance for the striving for happiness. With this it becomes clear, that a good life cannot be identified with a happy life.

时间:2025年3月25日 15:00 - 17:00

地点:武汉大学哲学学院 B214

主讲:Hans-Peter Grosshans汉斯-彼得·格罗申斯(教授)





主题:Core Values. An European Perspective in a Global Intercultural Horizon

摘要:The lecture will first discuss the concept of value, which found its way into philosophy and ethics in the 19th century – and this at the same time as the frequent use of the concept of value in economic discussion (e.g. by Karl Marx). Some philosophers, such as the German philosopher Hermann Lotze, tried to use the concept of value to formulate a counterweight to the dominance of naturalism and a purely scientific view of social and cultural realities. The lecture discusses the ethical and philosophical problems associated with this. Then (2) the lecture turns to specific core values. The discussion of core values in the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) over the past 25 years serves as an example. It can be shown that, paradigmatically for the entire European discussion of core values, freedom, justice and solidarity have established themselves as European core values since the French Revolution. In an intercultural horizon, the lecture also refers to the core values in China. Finally, the lecture addresses the question of whether current European values – the values of the West – are identical with Christian values. To answer this, the lecture explains the fundamental Christian values of the Christian Occident – love of one's neighbour, compassion and mercy – which are less abstract than modern fundamental values and, in contrast, are related to the concrete fellow human being, especially the vulnerable one.

时间:2025年3月26日 9:00 -11:00

地点:武汉大学哲学学院 B214

主讲:Hans-Peter Grosshans汉斯-彼得·格罗申斯(教授)

